Path Of Exile 2 - Character Class Witch

Witch - Witch Gender: FStrength: 7Dexterity: 7Intelligence: 15Weapon: OccultTrait: Natural resilience to ChaosI do not f...


<div>Minions</div><div>Send forth armies of the dead. Command them to do your bidding.</div>

Send forth armies of the dead. Command them to do your bidding.

<div>Chaos Magic</div><div>Let loose plague and withering afflictions. A slow but painful death.</div>

Chaos Magic
Let loose plague and withering afflictions. A slow but painful death.

<div>Osteomancy</div><div>Spikes of bone grow at your command. A fast and deadly magic.</div>

Spikes of bone grow at your command. A fast and deadly magic.